IOCI Learning Center

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IOCI understands that developing or improving leadership skills, refining your career goals and growing into a servant leader takes time and ongoing training. That’s why we offer learning academies and other leadership development resources through our Learning Center.

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Helping Entrepreneurs CoverReady to Lead CoverEra of AI CoverHabit Mindset Cover

New Leader Assimilation Program

New Leader Assimilation Program Cover

If you are a new leader who is shifting from individual contributor to first line supervisor or are still in the process of becoming an effective leader, this course is for you. Over 8 weeks we will cover leadership fundamentals, how to avoid the common missteps that that cause new leaders to fail, and how to increase your earning potential through leadership success and impact.

You have read the associated white paper, “So, You’re a New Leader…. Are You Ready to Lead?”, and are ready for new leadership immersion.