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Supporting leaders in transition

Being intentional about supporting leaders in transition with a well-defined process can save time, money and enable a smooth and successful transition.

Leaders in transition find themselves fully immersed in change

The fast pace of change can challenge even the most seasoned leaders as they transition into new roles and new organizations. For emerging leaders in transition, the challenge is even greater. Perhaps even overwhelming.

Research shows that 25 to 50 percent of the time, newly on-boarded leaders fail to deliver on what they were hired for at a total cost to the company of 10 to 25 times their base salary.

There’s pressure for the leader to quickly acclimate to the new team, business partners and organizational culture in order to get traction and deliver on business outcomes. And the speed at which it’s all happening, well that’s also part of the problem. But it doesn’t have to incite panic.

Leaders can accelerate the assimilation and learning process during the transition, smoothing the path to success. To start, you can read our seven steps in establishing a leader assimilation system to smooth the path to success.

Want a deeper dive into the immersion process?

IOCI offers a leader immersion facilitation program to help new leaders, both internal and external, learn about their teams, organizations and key stakeholders. Give it a shot! You’ll find this process empowers new leaders to quickly assimilate and bond with their teams.

Learn more about IOCI and what Spirited Business® can mean for you.

Marialane Schultz

Marialane Schultz is the founder of IOCI. She helps individuals and organizations perform at their best, do meaningful work and be impactful through customized coaching and consulting engagements.

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